Eco Tips

How To Care For Your Pet During The Hottest Time Of The Year

Summer is great to play outdoors with our loving pets, but it’s important to always keep their safety in mind. Some animals are not well-equipped to deal with the heat, so it’s up to us to care for them so they have a pleasant and safe summer.


Don’t leave your pets in a parked car – It doesn’t matter if it’s only for a minute, temperatures inside a car parked in the sun can rise faster than you think. Your pet might get dehydrated, suffer organ damage and even die after thirty minutes in the sun.

Limit exercise – On the hottest days, give your pet a break and adjust the intensity and duration of the exercise. Walk your pet early in the morning or during the evening if possible. Remember that asphalt can get very hot and burn its paws, so try to walk through grass. Keep your pet under the shade, especially if they have white ears, as they are more susceptible to sun damage. Always carry extra water and a bowl with you, so your furry friend can rehydrate.

Keep water available and fresh – Have multiple bowls of water around the house and backyard, so your pet can be hydrated. Change the water frequently so it’s always fresh and maybe stick a couple of ice cubes in there if you are going to be busy for a while. If your puppy doesn’t find baths stressful, giving them a cooling spray with the hose might help them out.

Keep your dog indoors – Dogs respond differently to heat than humans. For example, they only sweat through their footpads so they cool themselves down by panting. When it’s too humid outside, that might not be enough and they might suffer from heat stress and physical injuries. Keep your puppy inside and keep a dry climate inside the house with a de-humidifier. Fans are not really effective in keeping dogs cool, your best bet is air conditioner, even if it is more expensive.

Watch out for heatstroke – If you live in a place with extreme temperatures, your pet might be susceptible to heatstroke, so keep an eye out for the telling signs. Rapid heartbeat, glazed eyes, lethargy, lack of coordination, excessive salivation, excessive thirst, difficulty breathing, vomiting, a purple tongue and unconsciousness are all signs that a dog might be suffering from heatstroke. If you suspect that might be the case, quickly move your pet to the shade or inside with air-conditioning. Apply cold towels to your dog’s head, neck and chest. Run cool water over them and let them lick ice cubes or drink small amounts of water. As soon as you can, take your pet to the vet. You might save his life.

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