Eco Tips Featured Uncategorized

Going Green:5 Small Steps That Make Big Differences on the Environment

Going green simply means choosing to live your life by taking steps to be more environmentally responsible. Being more eco-friendly is intended to decrease the ecological impact you make on the earth and its resources. Going green may seem confusing or overwhelming to some, but it doesn’t mean you have to take drastic steps. The first step to going green and preserving the planet is to start small. Many of the small changes you make will have a large impact on preserving Earths natural resources.

Reusable Shopping Bags

One of the easiest, yet most effective things you can do to start going green is to stop using plastic grocery bags. Using reusable shopping bags will not only reduce the amount of plastic bags you have stored throughout your home, but it reduces the amount of plastic that lays dormient for years in a landfill as well as reduces the impact they have on marine ecosystems. Reusable grocery bags are inexpensive and they are more sturdy than plastic bags.

Clean Water

An easy and inexpensive solution to buying bottled water is to invest in a recycled container and an inexpensive water purifier. It will save you money, allow you to drink fresh water whenever you want and reduce the amount of plastic being thrown in local landfills.

Cleaning Products

Most household cleaning products contain a vast array of harmful chemicals. Each time you use these products, chemicals are being released into your home as well as into the environment. Try using homemade cleaners, such as vinegar, baking soda and/or lemon. These products are much less expensive than store bought cleaners and they clean better. For example, using lemon juice on the stove surface will dissolve built-up grease and remove cooking odors.

Energy Use

If you are fed up with paying outrageous utility bills each month, there are several things you can do that will not only conserve the use of energy for future generations, but lower your utility costs. For example, by changing all of the light bulbs in your home to LED bulbs and unplugging electronics when not in use, you could save several hundred dollars each year in utility costs.


It is convenient to get in the car and drive to work, school and shopping. However, each time you drive, the fumes from the car are being released into the environment and damaging the ozone layer. Not to mention the cost of gas and maintenance for the car. By using public transportation just one time a week, you will be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint and you will save a few hundred dollars each year on gas and maintenance.

It is virtually impossible to completely change your lifestyle overnight and you are not expected to do so. However, by making a few small changes in daily living habits, you will make a huge impact on an array of environmental problems. Simple things often make the biggest difference, such as practicing the 3’Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) and using organic household cleaners.

~Rene W.

Eco Tips Uncategorized

Go Green in the Kitchen

The kitchen may be one of the busiest rooms in your entire house, and it’s no surprise that kitchen appliances use a large portion of a home’s energy. Additionally, due to dishwashers and sinks, much of a family’s water usage happens in the kitchen. Use these tips to conserve energy in your kitchen every day. Not only will you be helping to save the planet, but you will also be saving yourself some money. There’s no reason not to use these five tips to go green in your kitchen.

1. Washing dishes.

If you wash dishes by hand, don’t run the water constantly. Instead, fill one side of the sink with soapy water for washing, and fill the other side with clean water for rinsing to save water. However, most newer models of dishwashers are much more efficient than washing dishes by hand, and you won’t need to pre-rinse the dishes. However, you should only run the dishwasher when it is completely full to save on electricity and water.

2. Check fridge and freezer seals.

If the seals on the doors of your refrigerator and freezer are leaky, you could be losing money every month as cool air escapes from the fridge. Put a dollar bill in the door so that it is half in and half out. If you can pull the bill from the door easily, you should replace the seal or give it a good cleaning.

3. Use small appliances.

Instead of heating the oven every time you want to cook, try using a slow cooker. This will not only use less power, but it also helps you to avoid heating up your house in the summer. You should also consider using small appliances, like electric teapots, toasters, and rice cookers, instead of your stove if you can.

4. Fix the sink.

If your sink drips, you could be wasting gallons of water every day. A new washer only costs a few cents, but it could save you many times that on your water bill each month.

5. Install a water filter in the sink.

If you are used to using bottled water, try installing a water filter on your kitchen faucet. You can fill a water bottle and still have the convenience of portable water. However, you won’t have the expense of buying water bottles, and you won’t be generating trash. Alternately, you can use a water-filtering pitcher.

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so express your heart for the earth by utilizing these green kitchen tips.

~April F.

Eco Tips Home Design

Eliminate Fossil Fuels, Electric Bills and Natural Gas Bills With Solar

While the pressure to find alternatives to fossil fuels has eased due to somewhat lower gas prices and the media attention has shifted away from the ecology again, that doesn’t mean these issues have gone away. In fact, based on past behaviors, these issues will come to a peak yet again sometime in the future. However, one way you can know you’re doing your part for the ecology, plus saving yourself a lot of money in the process, is to switch everything you have to solar power.

You may wonder how this is possible. With today’s technology, not only is solar power more affordable and efficient than ever, but by replacing or supplanting what you currently have with electric equivalents, you can actually accomplish this. Here’s how:

  • After installing a solar system, replace appliances that use natural gas with electric ones. This includes hot water heaters, stoves, ranges and ovens.
  • Replace your heating system that may use natural gas, kerosene or fuel oil with an electric one.
  • If possible, replace your vehicles with EV (electric vehicle) equivalents. Today, not only can you find small vehicles that are EVs, but SUVs and performance vehicles as well.

Granted, the initial investment in solar isn’t cheap and replacing your existing natural gas appliances and gasoline powered vehicles isn’t an inexpensive prospect, there are lots of compensations. First and foremost, you’ll receive tax breaks from the Federal government and many state governments also provide tax breaks as well.

Also, since you’ll have eliminated electric bills, natural gas bills and gasoline expenses, those funds can be applied to defraying the costs of the solar build. What most people don’t realize is that going solar can actually be subsidized by the electric companies as well. That’s because excess electricity generated by your solar system can be “sent” through the existing power grid and redistributed by the electric companies. This means you can actually accrue credits or even be paid by the electric companies for your excess electricity.

Determining your actual ROI (Return On Investment) can be somewhat challenging. Most solar ROI calculators are limited, but can give you a general idea of your break even points. By replacing fossil fuel factors, this number can drop dramatically which means you could actually be making money from your solar system in just a few years. Not only can you save money and reduce your carbon footprint with solar, you could actually make money in the process!

~Brian C.

Articles Featured Gadgets & Gear

Saving Money with Power Strips

Guess what? If your electronics are plugged in, they are leaching electricity … even if they are turned off. This is referred to as “phantom load” and it accounts for nearly 20% of all electricity that is used in your home. What a waste, right?

You can eliminate “phantom load” and go greener by plugging most of your appliances into a power strip. A power strip will halt the energy drain as long as the switch on the strip is in the “off” position. Flip the power strip switch to “off” or unplug as many appliances as possible before going on vacations or leaving home for long periods of time.